- cliriculum.utils.get_resources_nodes(root, tree, resrcs: List, skip_dirs: Iterable = {'__pycache__'}) List[PosixPath] ¶
Get resources nodes recursively.
- Parameters:
root (root Traversable) – Directory containing the module Generally obtained with: root=resources.files(package_name).parent package_name, being the package installed on your system
tree (Traversable)
resrcs – Resources should be empty list for first call. Expands on each recursive call.
skip_dirs (Iterable) – Directories in which resources should not be fetched. Default = {‘__pycache__’}
- Returns:
List of nodes which are resources
- Return type:
>>> a = resources.files("") >>> get_resources_nodes(a.parent.parent, a)
- cliriculum.utils.copy_resources(directory: str, resource_root: str = '')¶
Copy resources to specified directory
- Parameters:
directory (str Where to store the directory.) – The directory should exist.
resource_root (str) – The resource_root directory specified in module type
"" (default)
- cliriculum.utils.copy_files(srcs: Iterable[str | Path], dst: Path | str) None ¶
Copy files to destination keeping path basename.
- Parameters:
srcs (Iterable[Union[str, Path]])
dst (Union[Path, str])
- cliriculum.utils.auto_filename(name: str, job_title: str, company: str, camel_case: bool) str ¶
Create filename string under the form:
<name>-resume-<job title>-<company>.pdf if camel_case is False. Or <Name>-Resume-<Job title>-<Company>.pdf if camel_case is True.
Note that spaces contained in name will be replace by “_”
No space in name:
>>> from cliriculum.utils import auto_filename >>> auto_filename(name="Cliriculum", job_title="Resume Maker", "company"="No Company") 'cliriculum-resume_maker-company'
Space in name:
>>> auto_filename(name="Cliriculum Tool", job_title="Resume Maker", "company"="No Company") 'cliriculum_tool-resume_maker-company'
Camel case in name:
>>> auto_filename(name="Cliriculum Tool", job_title="Resume Maker", "company"="No Company", camel_case=True) 'Cliriculum_Tool-Resume-Maker-Company'