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Create your CV/Resume with a simple Python CLI tool.


pip install cliriculum

Web Dependencies

Both are bundled in the package.


  • Main: The right part of the page(s). Place where generally experiences, past jobs, past studies, … are displayed. The content gets generated from Markdown file --main=<your Markdown file>

  • Sidebar: Place for brief description of your skills, your contact details etc. The sidebar is split in two parts:

    1. contact: gets generated from JSON file: --contact=<your JSON file for contact details>

    2. description: gets generated from markdown file --description=<your>

    Sidebar supports one page only, however the colour is continued to next pages.

Additional metadata:

  • dates.json: A JSON file with keys matching titles ids defining a start and end information. During rendering the dates are added to the top of the paragraph of the level two headings with matching id.

Heading ids are parsed uniquely for level two headings. Dates should be under the ISO 8601 format.

Markdown files are parsed with Metadata is added to Abstract Syntax tree representation before rendering to HTML.


Refer to documentation at cliriculum.deserializers to better understand the implicit JSON structure, specially classes Contact and Dates.


To view the HTML page a local server is necessary. Indeed, modern web browsers disallow loading CSS and js scripts from file:///*. An error of the form Cross-Origin Request blocked is raised for each file loading attempt.


  • Export to HTML

  • Export to PDF (via browser or headless mode)


cliriculum --main="" --description="" --contact="contact.json" --dates="dates.json"

Converting to PDF

Open with the generated HTML with your web browser (Chromium based browsers recommended). Run ctrl+p or cmd+p and print to PDF. The HTML representation of the document relies on paged.js a great library intended to create PDF compatible HTML books.

Note: the content has to be distributed by a local server. See Viewing for why. Python solution:

# suppose you saved resume in resume directory (`cliriculum --destination=resume`)
cd resume/
python -m http.server --bind

Or set --pdf-output flag.

cliriculum --main="" --description="" --contact="contact.json" --dates="dates.json" --pdf-output=output.pdf


You can modify style by modifying the generated style.css file. However, each time you overwrite the resume, the modified style.css gets back to default. To encounter this behaviour you can specify a secondary stylesheet.

cliriculum --main="" --description="" --contact="contact.json" --dates="dates.json" --stylesheet="custom.css"


An example can be viewed at example/index.html

Language support

English only.


No XSS injection prevention. Make sure to adopt good security practices if you wish to build a web service from this package.